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How to Save Money and Maximize Your Travel as a College Student

Updated: Feb 28, 2023

Note: This post has been transfered from older site.

Originally posted 1, April 2022

As a college student who loves to travel, there are number of way for you to to save money and time. Here are some ways to save money while traveling.

Use student discount sites such as

There are many sites that helps student save money on travel. The site can range from your flight, car rental, and accomindation So if you are in college right now, you should take adventage of this offer and book a trip on your next break!

Ask the locals on what there is to see in the area.

If you have never vistied the city you are visiting before, you should also ask the locals. Although online blogs and services such as Yelp can give you suggestions on what to see, locals can give you some of the hidden gems around the city.

Don't visit any major chain restaurants.

Unless you are in a diffrent country, (and Hawaii) you should not be eating at major chain restaurants. Most of the restaurants will have the same menu just like any other restaurants. Instead, you should visit local small restaurants or better yet street venders who sells on streets. This is a way to experience how the locals live in the city. Mcdonald's for instence has a diffrent menu in each country and Hawaii. Korea for instence has the Shirmp burger, Canada has Poutine, and Hawaii has Spam Platter.

Be like a local for a day.

Where you are going dress, travel, and eat just like how the locals does it.

Get Clear to help you save time during sercurity checks.

Get Clear when you are traveling (if you can afford it). Clear is a service where it help you get though security faster. Not only this service only operates at airports, it also operates in stadiums. Some credit card will come with Clear for FREE. Check if some of your card or your parents cards reimburses Clear.

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